August Challenge: I’m a Collector

July Recap: Something About You

WOW. I can’t even begin to express how blown away I was with everyone’s responses to the July Challenge. Ranging from photos to stories, lighthearted to serious, the blogosphere impressed me so much with this challenge and inspired me to open up, too. Hold onto your helms and cloaks, guys; this is a long recap!

Warcraft Street told us about a personal gaming history that has touched several games–and platforms–resulting in a love for Simulation games and MMOs!

The Harpy’s Nest presented 4 personal facts including a love for hats and a super interesting story about her grandma you should definitely read.

Azerothian Life broached a serious–and very personal–topic discussing rape culture in World of Warcraft, specifically the unfortunate ease with which we (the community in general) throw around the word “rape.”

Tome of the Ancient takes us to “Long Ago,” when bloggers rode horses…no, really, the picture is great, and here’s to passions, new and old.

Sugar & Blood discusses names, what’s in a name, what’s not in a name, and everything in between!

Image Heavy combined two of my favorite things: pictures and lists. It shouldn’t be a surprise that this particular blogger likes photography!

Shards of Imagination covers a lot of things, including honing English through gaming (imagine, you can learn while doing something you like!) and where the name “Rakuno” originates.

Arsenic and Old Mooncloth dives into a very personal look at why she plays video games and the bullying, fear, and self-esteem issues she’s overcoming.

Anka Huntress tells the story fairy-tale style of how she met and fell in love with her warrior, Aiden.

Kamalia Et Alia shows off MAD GENIUS CRAFTING SKILLS. Seriously. Science and afghans meet in an unprecedented display of coolness.

The Frugal Gamer shows us life in pictures–not surprising, since he’s a photographer! Actually, a photographer and music lover, which for reasons I won’t list here, is exceptionally neat in my book.

The Dancing Tree offers a really cool photoblog of sorts–an interesting glimpse into the blogger through a bunch of great pictures!

The Butterfly Gamer tells us a bit about being Australian, parenting teenagers (egads), and, of course, gaming!

StarShadow is a gamer, a trained textile conservator, and a stay-at-home mom–now that’s a nifty combination!

The Sisterhood of Kia gets real, discussing experiences and awesome opportunities that have given her an interesting perspective on how her personality influences how she plays.

Getsu’s Sanctuary offers nothing short of a coming-of-age story and how a year can change a life!

The Daily Frostwolf brings a moving account of how facing deaths of patients has reminded her to take nothing for granted. Three tissue warning, guys.

Flask Half-Empty is excited about launching a new career and life as an educator and the things she’s already learned. Heck, I think some of the excitement rubbed off!

Bubbles of Mischief posted pictures of some of the various adventures she’s experienced, from skydiving to Pisa!

Update to add! The MMO Melting Pot joined in! Meet Hugh, Becca, and Johnnie in the 2-year Melting Pot celebration post!

I told you it was a lot! Some incredibly interesting, moving, and funny stuff in there, I highly encourage to check them out!

August Challenge: I’m a Collector

I think everyone knows that I frequent Twitter. As I said the other night, Twitter knows everything. Yesterday, when I was looking through my bags realizing that I needed to fix my space situation very, very soon, I posted a picture of my inventory on Twitter. As it turns out, a lot of people have opinions and systems and ideas about how and why they keep things.

Do you cling to materials in the hopes of always having what you need, or do you store things for the sake of nostalgia? Is your inventory or storage neatly organized or do you rely heavily on search tools to find what you need? Do you collect pets? Mounts? Gear? Memories?

So this is your challenge: I want to know what you collect in the game or games you play. However and why-ever you loot, keep, store, organize, whatever you hold onto, or even if you refuse to hold onto anything–tell me about it! Remember to link to me or link your blog in the comments.

I posted my inventory on Twitter. Here, in all it’s awful, unorganized glory, is my WoW alt guild bank. I tend to just throw things randomly in there until I realize I might actually need to get to something… I will post a picture of its makeover when I do the recap in September!

Ambermist's Messy Guild Bank: Tab 1

Ambermist's Messy Guild Bank -- Tab 2

Ambermist's Messy Guild Bank -- Tab 3

Ambermist's Messy Guild Bank -- Tab 4


Filed under Blogstuff, Challenges

30 responses to “August Challenge: I’m a Collector

  1. your challenges are awesome and I’m so glad you got such a good response! I’m looking forward to going through your list and reading the ones I didn’t spot 🙂

    and your new challenge… hahaha yes, I think I’ll have something to say about that (I restarted my skyrim game as I couldn’t face dealing with my original char’s storage ‘issues’ ;))

    • Hahaha, there’s just so many THINGS and limited SPACE. I’ve been agonizing over the things I’m keeping and selling while cleaning out my gbank.

      Look forward to hearing about your experience with uh…storage issues. 😉

  2. Pingback: Battlechicken’s Challenge: I am a Collector. NOT ! | The MMO Compendium

  3. Pingback: August Challenge: I’m a Collector « Image Heavy

  4. Pingback: Battlechickens‘ August challenge: I’m a Collector « Anka Huntress

  5. Done! 🙂 (I also did last months but I forgot to put the link here then 😉 )

  6. Pingback: A Messy Online Addict « Healing the masses

  7. Aww, you forgot mine 😦 I am the sad!! 😀

    • battlechicken

      Oh no! I go straight from the links in the comments, so it must not have made it there! If you give me the direct link, I’ll add it to the list! 😀

  8. Pingback: I'm a Collector! - Bubbles of Mischief

  9. Pingback: august challenge ~ part 1 | StarShadow

  10. Pingback: august challenge ~ part 2 | StarShadow

  11. Pingback: The Everhoarder « Shards of Imagination

  12. I used to be so happy, so innocent, until Everquest 2 corrupted me and turned me into an Everhoarder!

  13. Hmm. I’ll have to wait for Septmeber’s challenge. I have hoarded in the past, but it got unmanageable.

  14. Pingback: inventory full (and bank and crates) – StarShadow

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