
Oh hai. I’m Amber, and I play World of Warcraft. A lot.

I currently main a BM Hunter named Ambermissed on Mal’ganis, guilded with <Pathogen>. In the past I’ve been both an elemental shaman and a balance druid.

Me myself, I’m a 34-year-old mother of 2 kids, a 13-year-old cool, nerdy girl affectionately know as the Little Raid Leader (LRL) and a sweet, funny 10-year-old boy I call Lil Bubs.

I play a lot of other games randomly on the side; right now, PUBG and Sims 4 have my attention.

Talk to Me!

Email: druidambermist (at) gmail (dot) com

Twitter: @battlechicken

BattleTag: Ambermist#1266